Parts cutted with GMA Waterjet Garnet (Red Garnet)
Red Garnet, Perfect for Sharp Edges in Waterjet Cutting

GMA Waterjet Garnet, Perfect for
Sharp Edges in
Waterjet Cutting

GMA Waterjet Garnet (Red Garnet) for Waterjet Cutting at the Highest Quality Standards

The best abrasive for water jet cutting machines is the red garnet, thanks to a unique series of features such as: hardness, density, friability and particle shape, that maximize the cutting properties of water jet machines.

GMA Waterjet Garnet & Classic Cut


norme UE

Ecologic &

7 - 8 Mohs

Waterjet Cutting Media: Red Garnet
(GMA Waterjet Garnet)

Waterjet Cutting Media: Red Garnet (GMA Waterjet Garnet ClassicCut™)

GMA Waterjet Garnet & Classic Cut Advantages

Excellent performance

It provides maximum efficiency and long service life in the waterjet cutting process

High precision

Increased productivity, consistency and sharp edges

Operational efficiency

Reduces the material consumption and lowers the operating expenses

Safe supply chain

Immediate and continuous delivery with no interruptions in the supply chain

Cut accurate edge parts wisely by using the best performing abrasives for waterjet cutting!

Red Garnet Application

Auto Industry

Auto Industry

In the production of automotive components, such as body chassis or aluminum and steel parts, waterjet cutting with red garnet can be used to make precise and accurate cuts. Thus, problems associated with the thermal deformations that can occur in the thermal cutting processes are avoided. This is essential for automotive components, where the structural integrity is crucial.

Aerospace Industry

Aerospace Industry

In the production of aerospace components, advanced waterjet cutting techniques are used to cut non-ferrous or hard metals such as titanium or special alloys. In addition, composite materials such as carbon fibers or glass-reinforced thermosetting plastic are used. Red garnet waterjet cutting offers an efficient solution for cutting these materials without affecting their mechanical properties.

The renewable energy Industry

The renewable energy Industry

In the production of components for equipment used in the renewable energy industry, such as wind turbines or solar panels, water jet cutting is used to make accurate cuts in composite and metallic materials. Red garnet provides the ability to cut tough materials, helping to make energy efficient components for renewables.

GMA Waterjet Garnet

Constanța Seaport, Gate 2, SORENA Platform, Constanța, Romania